Tag: identity
Elisabeth Kaneza: Intersectionality in law || Empowering scholars of color
In this episode, we talked to Elisabeth Kaneza who is a legal and political scholar and a community outreach officer at the German Center for Integration and Migration (DeZiM) in […]
Ceren Abacıoğlu: Majority-group acculturation || Complex Dynamic Systems Theory
In this episode, we talked to Ceren Abacıoğlu who is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. PAST (00:02:11): Ceren talks about the struggles of studying and […]
Sauro Civitillo: Multicultural education || Cultural responsive teaching in Europe
In this episode, we spoke with Sauro Civitillo who is an Assistant Professor at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. PAST […]
Tiffany Florvil: Black European history || People of Color in German academia
In this episode, we talked to Tiffany Florvil who is an Associate Professor at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, United States. Our main topics are Black German history […]
Mehmet Day: Combining cultural identities || Linking research and practice
In this episode, we talked to Mehmet Day who is a researcher at the Verwey-Jonker Institute and a Ph.D. student at Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Our main topics are […]
Moin Syed: Gender identity narratives || Open Science
In this episode, we talked to Moin Syed who is a professor of Psychology at the University of Minnesota (U.S.). Our main topic is gender identity narratives which describe the […]