Gülseli Baysu: Racial/ethnic discrimination and well-being || Representation in research samples
In this episode, we spoke with Gülseli Baysu who is a Lecturer at the Queen’s University of Belfast, U.K. As a psychologist she focusses, among other things, on cultural diversity, […]
Josefina Bañales: Critical consciousness || Participatory action research
In this episode, we talked to Josefina Bañales who is an Assistant Professor in the Community and Prevention Research Area at the University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC, U.S.). Our main […]
Karim Fereidooni: Rassismuskritik in Forschung und Bildung || Rassismus als Querschnittsaufgabe der Gesellschaft [GERMAN EPISODE]
In dieser ersten deutschsprachigen Episode unseres Podcasts haben wir mit Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni über institutionelle Rassismuserfahrungen und Rassismuskritik in der deutschen Forschungs- und Bildungslandschaft gesprochen. Prof. Fereidooni ist Juniorprofessor […]
Mehmet Day: Combining cultural identities || Linking research and practice
In this episode, we talked to Mehmet Day who is a researcher at the Verwey-Jonker Institute and a Ph.D. student at Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands). Our main topics are […]
Marta Miklikowska: Prejudice and intergroup contact || Women in academia
In this episode, we talked to Marta Miklikowska who is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Umeå University (Sweden). Our main topics are prejudice, intergroup contact, and how activism and […]
Moin Syed: Gender identity narratives || Open Science
In this episode, we talked to Moin Syed who is a professor of Psychology at the University of Minnesota (U.S.). Our main topic is gender identity narratives which describe the […]
Tendai Chitewere: Environmental justice || Proactive inclusion
In this episode, we talk to Tendai Chitewere who is an Associate Professor of Geography and Environment at San Francisco State University (U.S.) and a visiting professor in the department […]
Yudit Namer: Immigration, othering and health || Relational justice
In this episode, we talk to Yudit Namer who is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Public Health at Bielefeld University (Germany). Our main topics are discrimination and othering […]
Linda Juang: Racial-ethnic socialization || Mentoring in academia
In our first episode, we talk to Linda Juang who is a professor of Inclusive Education at the University of Potsdam (Germany). Our main topic is racial-ethnic socialization, meaning how […]
Trailer: (Re)Searching Diversity
Welcome to the (Re)Searching Diversity podcast. As a community of women in social sciences, we share a professional and personal interest in cultural diversity in education, development, and research. Importantly, […]